

Owner, Registered Acupuncturist

Claudia is the owner of Active Life Mobile Acupuncture and handles client and team operations. Having had her own practice as a Registered Acupuncturist for over 10 years she fully understands the needs of patients and practitioners.  As the Director of Operations she liaises with corporations, film production companies, hospitals, and individuals to get treatment to those in need at unique locations.

She helped start the first annual wellness show for staff at Hampton Inn Hilton Hotel and has given numerous lectures and spoken about acupuncture at companies such as Carnival CruiseLines, YWCA, Choices Markets, Tourism Richmond, and Alive Magazine.

Her expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture has been featured in articles such as NBC News, Better Magazine, and Vitruvi Magazine.

If you are thinking of adding wellness services to your workplace, contact Claudia through the contact page and she would be happy to discuss options suitable for your company.


Owner, Registered Acupuncturist

Claudia is the owner of Active Life Mobile Acupuncture and handles client and team operations. Having had her own practice as a Registered Acupuncturist for over 10 years she fully understands the needs of patients and practitioners.  As the Director of Operations she liaises with corporations, film production companies, hospitals, and individuals to get treatment to those in need at unique locations.

She helped start the first annual wellness show for staff at Hampton Inn Hilton Hotel and has given numerous lectures and spoken about acupuncture at companies such as Carnival CruiseLines, YWCA, Choices Markets, Tourism Richmond, and Alive Magazine.

Her expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture has been featured in articles such as NBC News, Better Magazine, and Vitruvi Magazine.

If you are thinking of adding wellness services to your workplace, contact Claudia through the contact page and she would be happy to discuss options suitable for your company.


Founder, Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Melissa owns and operates 2 successful clinics in Vancouver, an open-concept multidisciplinary studio in addition to an acupuncture-focused practice.  As a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 20 years, she has a background in nutritional consulting along with a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology.

She is on the advisory board for Alive Magazine and is an active writer, with an impressive list of publications including The Vancouver Sun, MyYogaOnline, FitnessGoop, NaturallySaavy, Inside Tract, BC Medical Journal, and 24 Hours newspaper.  With her extensive knowledge and expertise in the Health and Wellness field, she has garnered various media appearances including The Oprah Winfrey Network Show and CKNW Radio.


Founder, Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Melissa owns and operates 2 successful clinics in Vancouver, an open-concept multidisciplinary studio in addition to an acupuncture-focused practice.  As a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 20 years, she has a background in nutritional consulting along with a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology.

She is on the advisory board for Alive Magazine and is an active writer, with an impressive list of publications including The Vancouver Sun, MyYogaOnline, FitnessGoop, NaturallySaavy, Inside Tract, BC Medical Journal, and 24 Hours newspaper.  With her extensive knowledge and expertise in the Health and Wellness field, she has garnered various media appearances including The Oprah Winfrey Network Show and CKNW Radio.

Emma Wang

Registered Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner

Emma is a dedicated health professional who has been continuously exploring ways to improve human health.  For 11 years she worked as a Medical Doctor at Peking University People’s Hospital in Beijing, which is highly regarded for its expertise in treating blood and bone diseases, as well as conducting bone marrow transplantation. With a Master’s Degree in Internal Medicine, she worked in the respiratory department of the hospital, in charge of the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit.

Having always had a passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine, she studied TCM in her spare time alongside Western Medicine and established a TCM Society at Peking University Health Science Center. She uses various modalities to treat including: acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, acupressure, scraping, reflexology, auriculotherapy, and manipulative therapy.  She provides home care instructions, lifestyle counselling, and recommendations such as Qi Gong and Chinese food cure recipes.

Her extensive knowledge of physiology and pathology has enabled her to excel in various areas of treatment, including pain management, stroke recovery, cold & fever, respiratory disorders, sleep conditions, women’s health, and gynaecological diseases.

Emma is bilingual in both English and Mandarin.

Emma Wang

Registered Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner

Emma is a dedicated health professional who has been continuously exploring ways to improve human health.  For 11 years she worked as a Medical Doctor at Peking University People’s Hospital in Beijing, which is highly regarded for its expertise in treating blood and bone diseases, as well as conducting bone marrow transplantation. With a Master’s Degree in Internal Medicine, she worked in the respiratory department of the hospital, in charge of the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit.

Having always had a passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine, she studied TCM in her spare time alongside Western Medicine and established a TCM Society at Peking University Health Science Center. She uses various modalities to treat including: acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, acupressure, scraping, reflexology, auriculotherapy, and manipulative therapy.  She provides home care instructions, lifestyle counselling, and recommendations such as Qi Gong and Chinese food cure recipes.

Her extensive knowledge of physiology and pathology has enabled her to excel in various areas of treatment, including pain management, stroke recovery, cold & fever, respiratory disorders, sleep conditions, women’s health, and gynaecological diseases.

Emma is bilingual in both English and Mandarin.


Registered Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner


Tim is a second generation Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner who graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with a Masters degree in TCM and a focus on pulmonary disease. Before his TCM career, Tim earned a B.Sc. in software development from the University of Windsor and a post-graduate certificate in education (PGCE) from the University of Hong Kong.

Since becoming a registered TCM practitioner in 2013, he has gained experience in treating a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, pain, recovery from stroke, and obstetric and gynaecologic health issues. Some of the modalities that Tim uses include acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, bone mending, and Chinese herbal formulas.Tim is fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.


Registered Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner


Tim is a second generation Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner who graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with a Masters degree in TCM and a focus on pulmonary disease. Before his TCM career, Tim earned a B.Sc. in software development from the University of Windsor and a post-graduate certificate in education (PGCE) from the University of Hong Kong.

Since becoming a registered TCM practitioner in 2013, he has gained experience in treating a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, pain, recovery from stroke, and obstetric and gynaecologic health issues. Some of the modalities that Tim uses include acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, bone mending, and Chinese herbal formulas.Tim is fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

Sandy Kerry

Registered Acupuncturist 

Sandy is a registered Acupuncturist and Tuina Therapist. She completed the Acupuncture Program at Vancouver Career College in Burnaby and she completed her certification in Tuina therapy, cupping, moxibustion and guasha with the International College of TCM (ICTCM). She is also a certified Master of Medical Qigong Therapy and Medical Qigong Doctor candidate through the International Institute of Medical Qigong and Empty Mountain Institute where she has also completed numerous light body, channeling and mediumship courses.  Sandy is also an ordained Daoist Priest, 82nd generation highest purity sect and 66th generation celestial masters sect, a disciple of dragon heart temple.

Sandy uses acupuncture to address numerous ailments. She is able to combine acupuncture with medical qigong energy, cupping, tuina, moxibustion, and guasha to assist people with various ailments such as  migraines, depression & anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, back pain, injuries, sciatica, and women’s health such as menstrual issues, fertility and menopause.  She is also certified in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture for natural anti-aging.  

Sandy Kerry

Registered Acupuncturist 

Sandy is a registered Acupuncturist and Tuina Therapist. She completed the Acupuncture Program at Vancouver Career College in Burnaby and she completed her certification in Tuina therapy, cupping, moxibustion and guasha with the International College of TCM (ICTCM). She is also a certified Master of Medical Qigong Therapy and Medical Qigong Doctor candidate through the International Institute of Medical Qigong and Empty Mountain Institute where she has also completed numerous light body, channeling and mediumship courses.  Sandy is also an ordained Daoist Priest, 82nd generation highest purity sect and 66th generation celestial masters sect, a disciple of dragon heart temple.

Sandy uses acupuncture to address numerous ailments. She is able to combine acupuncture with medical qigong energy, cupping, tuina, moxibustion, and guasha to assist people with various ailments such as  migraines, depression & anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, back pain, injuries, sciatica, and women’s health such as menstrual issues, fertility and menopause.  She is also certified in Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture for natural anti-aging.  

Michael Yin

Registered Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner

  Michael has been working in the health industry since he graduated from university. He attended the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver (ICTCMV) and complete the 4-year TCM Practitioner diploma. As a Registered Acupuncturist he has taken further training in acupuncture for pain management. He also utilizes low level laser devices to treat people who are needle phobic and would otherwise not have a chance to experience the wonderful art of acupuncture. Though he can treat a wide range of health conditions, he also focuses on treating digestive issues and helps with weight loss. He also offers Shonishin paediatric massage, a specific, non-needle acupuncture treatment.

When he and his wife were struggling unsuccessfully to have a child, they sought help from a Traditional Chinese Doctor who prescribed Chinese herbs. After just 2 months of herbal prescriptions, their wish came true, and they are now blessed with a 7 year old boy.

Michael is bilingual in both English and Mandarin.

Michael Yin

Registered Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioner

Michael has been working in the health industry since he graduated from university. He attended the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver (ICTCMV) and complete the 4-year TCM Practitioner diploma. As a Registered Acupuncturist he has taken further training in acupuncture for pain management. He also utilizes low level laser devices to treat people who are needle phobic and would otherwise not have a chance to experience the wonderful art of acupuncture. Though he can treat a wide range of health conditions, he also focuses on treating digestive issues and helps with weight loss. He also offers Shonishin paediatric massage, a specific, non-needle acupuncture treatment.

When he and his wife were struggling unsuccessfully to have a child, they sought help from a Traditional Chinese Doctor who prescribed Chinese herbs. After just 2 months of herbal prescriptions, their wish came true, and they are now blessed with a 7 year old boy.

Michael is bilingual in both English and Mandarin.